
When it comes to disease prevention, immunizations are key. Getting vaccinated protects you and those around you. Our main focus is to help you and your loved ones stay up-to-date on the recommended vaccines. We offer a variety of immunizations. Some of the vaccinations we offer are listed below:
- Flu
- Pneumococcal
- Shingles
- Hep B or Hep A/B
- Tdap or TD
- Meningococcal
- Covid
Our highly qualified staff can easily administer these immunizations here at the pharmacy. Speak to a staff member today about the immunizations we offer.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time of COVID-19 and now during the beginning phases of distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine. We have been working hard to educate, equip, and serve our community through this.
Vaccine distribution information is an ever evolving subject. We have applied to administer the vaccine, but as many of you know, Llano County did not qualify for the first round of distribution in Texas.
We still do not know when we will receive the vaccine, but are being proactive in our endeavors to be as ready as possible when that time comes.
We want to take this time to provide more information about the process, when it begins.
Corner Drug Pharmacy’s COVID-19 Vaccine Process
- When Corner Drug receives a shipment of COVID-19 Vaccines, we will call those that are on our
COMMUNICATION LIST that are in the current and appropriate phase(s)
- Phases are defined by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and more information can be found on their website. DSHS WEBSITE
- When you receive your phone call, you will be given a time and date to come in. If you have already received a vaccine at the time of your call, that is ok! Just let us know.
- Due to the unpredictable nature of vaccine allocation from the state, we strongly encourage you to answer any phone calls from the pharmacy and be prepared to come receive your vaccine.
- Because vaccine supply is limited and the vaccine cannot be held, if you are unable to receive your vaccine at the time of the call, you will be moved to the bottom of the list.
Corner Drug is committed to the care of our patients and communities. Please reach out to us if you have further questions.